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Power Mob Map

Minigame Maps / Parkour Maps / Modded Maps

Power Mob Map with mini-game and parkour levels for Minecraft Bedrock. You will have 10 levels to complete, get the abilities of these mobs. Along with the map, there are built-in mods for the work of this project. I'll show you how it works in the video.

How to install?
Android: you need to find the downloaded file on your phone, use any file manager for this and import the map into the game by opening it.
IOS: after receiving the map, the device itself will offer to install it.
Windows 10: go to the folder where the files are downloaded, find mcworld there and activate it.

power_mob_youkoala.mcworld [5.83 Mb] (downloads: 1380)

Comments (3)

My name is samuel i born on 2011 dec 22
samuel samuel 3 December 2021 12:05 Reply
This map was awesome!! I had so much fun racing my friends to the end! thanks to koala guyy! Tysm for making it i had sm fun go and sub to his yt channel! <33
Sophia Sophia 12 December 2021 17:44 Reply
Power Mob Map
teknoaxe teknoaxe 15 December 2021 07:02 Reply

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