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National Geographic Hide & Seek Map

Maps / Minigame Maps

Do you want to play hide and seek with your friends? Then download the new National Geographic-style hide and seek mini-game.

National Geographic Hide & Seek is an interesting mini-game with huge territory that you can explore and hide there. I advise everyone to try playing on a map that combines our favorite game and beautiful lands with diverse landscapes. Look at the video and screenshots of how it looks. You must choose a seeker, the rest will be hidden. The last one he won.


How to install?
Android: you need to find the downloaded file on your phone, use any file manager for this and import the card into the game by opening it.
IOS: after receiving the card, the device itself will offer to install it.
Windows 10: go to the folder where the files are downloaded, find mcworld there and activate it.

national-geographic-hs.mcworld [187.36 Kb] (downloads: 1755)

Comments (2)

very vell 
coolaefasefefsefszfefsffsefs coolaefasefefsefszfefsffsefs 22 September 2021 13:37 Reply
This mod is very fun I do recommend it.
Bobaforlife Bobaforlife 14 November 2023 15:00 Reply

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