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Fantasy Skyblock Map

Maps / Survival Maps

Fantasy Skyblock is an interesting and challenging map for surviving on islands floating in the sky. There are 3 islands in total, solve the puzzle to get to each of them. You will have to strain your brain to survive in conditions of lack of resources and land.

How to install?
Android: you need to find the downloaded file on your phone, use any file manager for this and import the map into the game by opening it.
IOS: after receiving the map, the device itself will offer to install it.
Windows 10: go to the folder where the files are downloaded, find mcworld there and activate it.

fantasy_skyblock.mcworld [957.79 Kb] (downloads: 978)

Comments (3)

the man is good i need this now
samuel samuel 9 November 2021 15:25 Reply
what do you do on it
alijah alijah 16 December 2021 00:01 Reply
{text}i need this now
izzy izzy 19 January 2022 22:54 Reply

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